Reporting and analytics

Advanced performance analytics

You analyze and compare the performance of your carriers, and you easily export your data.


Our advanced analytics include multiple dashboards to help you monitor your post-purchase performance. This allows you to make the right decisions to improve overall customer shopping experience and monitor carriers (choice of carrier, delays, incidents, delivery promise, marketing content etc.)

Manage your operations

Monitor the quality of service of each carrier with powerful analytics

Compare your carriers

Assess your best carriers and identify areas with low quality of service

Export data to your systems

Automatically export your order tracking data to your systems

Logistics analytics

Analyze and compare delivery lead times, delays and delivery incidents between carriers and countries (volumes, typologies, rates, etc.).

Open and click rates

Track the open and click rates for sent notifications and identify the content that you customers are most interested in.

"Boxia allows us to reassure our customers and reduce calls to our customer support: today, Boxia saves us between 4 and 6 hours per week. Our reports allow us to easily monitor the performance of our carriers and the respect of their commitments, especially in terms of lead times."

Clémence Yon - COO at Le Colonel

Automatic reports

Receive personalized detailed reports on logistics performance to analyze your post-purchase experience.

Data export

Export performance data and detailed reports, and receive tracking data in real time with webhooks and API.

Ready to deliver an amazing post-purchase experience?